
Farges’ Fir

Abies fargesii (Farges’ Fir), this species is native to China and is named after the French botanist Paul Guillaume Farges. It is characterised by its tall stature, dark green needles, and upright cylindrical cones.

The Appearance

A medium-sized evergreen conifer with a narrow, conical shape and dense, dark green needles. It produces small, cylindrical cones that sit upright on the branches.


The Produce

The cones initially appear green and gradually mature to a brown or purplish-brown colour.


The Flowers

Produces small, reddish flowers in spring, followed by small, cylindrical cones.


The Leaves

The needles are typically dark green and glossy, with a length ranging from 2 to 3 centimetres.


The Bark

The bark is gray and scaly, becoming more fissured with age.


The Habitat

Prefers well-drained soils and full sun. Commonly found in mountainous regions and forests.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and mammals. The dense foliage offers excellent cover.


The Culture

Valued for its timber and ornamental appeal. Often planted in parks and large gardens.


Fun Facts

Farges’ Fir is named after Paul Guillaume Farges, a French missionary and botanist who collected plants in China.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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