
Incense Cedar

Incense Cedar, known as Calocedrus decurrens, is a fragrant and stately evergreen tree native to western North America. Incense Cedars are known for their tall, slender, and columnar shape, reaching heights of up to 200 feet (61 meters) in their native habitat.

The Appearance

The Incense Cedar is a tall, evergreen tree that can reach up to 150 feet in height. It has a conical shape with dense, aromatic foliage that is dark green.


The Produce

The Incense Cedar produces seed-cones. A small cone that grows to approximately 30mm, which opens up throughout the growing process.


The Flowers

This tree produces small, inconspicuous yellowish-brown flowers that are not particularly showy.


The Leaves

The Incense Cedar leaf is an slender, needle-like foliage with a vibrant green hue, when the needles are crushed they release a distinctive woody scent.


The Bark

The bark is thick, fibrous, and reddish-brown, often deeply furrowed with age, providing a rugged texture.


The Habitat

Native to the western United States, it thrives in mountainous regions, often found in forests and canyons.


The Ecology

Incense Cedar provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and small mammals.


The Culture

The wood is valued for its durability and aromatic quality, commonly used for making pencils, cedar chests, and as a lining for closets.


Fun Facts

Despite its name, the Incense Cedar is not a true cedar but a member of the cypress family.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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