
Britzensis/Scarlet Willow

Salix chermesina, commonly known as the red willow or scarlet willow, is a deciduous shrub native to Europe and parts of Asia. It is named for its vibrant red or scarlet stems and branches, which make it a visually striking plant, especially during the winter months when its leaves have fallen.

The Appearance

A medium-sized deciduous tree with a rounded crown and long, slender branches. The young stems are bright orange-red in winter, providing striking seasonal interest.


The Produce

Salix chermesina produces distinctive catkins as its fruiting structures. These catkins, which are elongated clusters of small flowers, appear in early spring before the emergence of leaves.


The Flowers

Produces small, inconspicuous catkins in early spring.


The Leaves

The leaves are typically arranged alternately along the stems.


The Bark

The bark is gray and smooth when young, becoming more fissured with age. The young stems are bright orange-red.


The Habitat

Prefers moist, well-drained soils and full sun. Commonly found along riverbanks and in wetlands.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and insects. The roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion.


The Culture

Valued for its colorful winter stems and used in landscaping for seasonal interest. Also used in basket weaving.


Fun Facts

The bright red stems of the Britzensis Willow are most vibrant in winter, making it a popular choice for winter gardens.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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