
Canadian Poplar

The bark of the Canadian Poplar (Populus x canadensis), often referred to as the Carolina Poplar, is generally smooth, light grey to greenish-grey in colour, and becomes furrowed with age. In young trees, the bark is relatively thin and smooth, while in mature trees, it develops deep furrows and ridges.

The Appearance

A large deciduous tree with a tall, straight trunk and a broad, open crown. It has diamond-shaped, green leaves that turn yellow in autumn.


The Produce

These capsules contain numerous small seeds and are borne in hanging clusters.


The Flowers

Produces long, pendulous catkins in spring, followed by fluffy, cotton-like seeds.


The Leaves

They feature a serrated margin, with fine teeth along the edges.


The Bark

The bark is gray and deeply fissured, becoming more rugged with age.


The Habitat

Prefers moist, well-drained soils and full sun. Commonly found along riverbanks and in wetlands.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and mammals. The trees also help stabilize riverbanks.


The Culture

Used for timber and pulpwood. Also valued in riparian restoration projects for its fast growth and soil stabilization properties.


Fun Facts

Canadian Poplar is known for its rapid growth and adaptability to a variety of soil conditions, making it a popular choice for reforestation projects.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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