
Cappadacian Maple

Acer cappadocicum, commonly known as the Cappadocian maple, is a tree with roots in Asia and Europe, notably the historical region of Cappadocia in modern-day Turkey. Throughout history, it has been culturally significant, featuring in local folklore and traditions, especially during its spectacular autumn displays of vibrant red and orange leaves.

The Appearance

A medium-sized deciduous tree with a rounded crown and broad, lobed leaves that turn bright yellow in autumn.


The Produce

While the Cappadacian Maple is primarily valued for its vibrant foliage, it can also produce small inconspicuous, yellow flowers in spring.


The Flowers

Produces small, yellow-green flowers in spring, followed by winged seeds.


The Leaves

They have a typical maple leaf shape with three to five lobes.


The Bark

The bark is smooth and gray, becoming slightly fissured with age.


The Habitat

Prefers well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. Commonly found in gardens and parks.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including insects and birds. The flowers attract pollinators.


The Culture

Popular in ornamental landscaping for its attractive foliage and vibrant autumn color.


Fun Facts

The Cappadocian Maple is named after the region of Cappadocia in Turkey, where it is native.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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