
Cornelian Cherry

The cornelian cherry, known as Cornus mas, is a deciduous shrub or small tree native to Europe and parts of Asia. In addition to its fruit, the cornelian cherry is appreciated for its early spring blossoms of small, yellow flowers that add colour to gardens and landscapes.

The Appearance

A small deciduous tree or large shrub with a dense, rounded crown and dark green leaves. It produces small, yellow flowers and bright red fruits.


The Produce

These fruits are often used in jams, jellies, and various culinary applications.


The Flowers

Produces clusters of small, yellow flowers in late winter to early spring.


The Leaves

The leaves are simple, opposite, and ovate in shape, showcasing a vibrant green colour during the growing season.


The Bark

The bark is brown and scaly, becoming more fissured with age.


The Habitat

Prefers well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. Commonly found in gardens and parks.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including pollinators and fruit-eating birds.


The Culture

Valued for its ornamental flowers and edible fruits, which are used in preserves and sauces.


Fun Facts

The Cornelian Cherry is one of the earliest flowering trees, providing a splash of color in late winter.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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