
Golden Ash Tree

The Golden Ash (Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aurea’) is a striking tree known for its vibrant yellow-green foliage, which turns a brilliant gold in autumn. Native to Europe, it grows well in temperate climates and is commonly found in deciduous woodlands and along forest edges.

The Appearance

The Golden Ash tree features a rounded canopy with compound leaves that turn a striking golden-yellow in autumn. Its bark is initially smooth and greyish, becoming furrowed with age, and it produces inconspicuous greenish flowers in the spring.


The Produce

The tree produces clusters of winged seeds, known as samaras, which are typically about 1-2 inches long and mature in late summer to early fall.


The Flowers

In spring, the Golden Ash produces small, inconspicuous greenish flowers. These flowers are not particularly showy but are important for the tree’s reproductive cycle.


The Leaves

The Golden Ash has compound leaves, typically composed of 7-9 leaflets. These leaflets are dark green in summer, turning a vibrant golden-yellow in autumn, which gives the tree its name.


The Bark

The bark is smooth and greyish when young, becoming furrowed and more textured with age.


The Habitat

The Golden Ash tree thrives in a variety of habitats, including deciduous woodlands, forest edges, and urban areas. It prefers well-drained soils and can tolerate a range of soil types, making it versatile for both natural and cultivated environments.


The Ecology

Golden Ash trees provide habitat and food for various bird species and insects. Their dense foliage offers excellent cover for wildlife.


The Culture

This tree is often planted in parks, gardens, and streetscapes due to its attractive fall colour and overall hardiness. It is relatively low-maintenance once established.


Fun Facts

The Golden Ash is a popular choice for urban landscaping because of its tolerance to pollution and ability to thrive in a variety of soil conditions.

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