
Golden Elm

The Golden Elm, native to Germany, is celebrated for its vibrant golden-yellow leaves and attractive, broad canopy. Its smooth, greyish-brown bark and eye-catching foliage make it a standout addition to gardens and urban landscapes.

The Appearance

The Golden Elm is a medium-sized deciduous tree and it has a broad, rounded canopy and relatively smooth, greyish-brown bark.


The Produce

The tree produces small, flat, winged seeds known as samaras, which are dispersed by the wind.


The Flowers

It produces small, inconspicuous green flowers that are not particularly showy. They are typically pollinated by the wind.


The Leaves

The Golden Elm features bright, golden-yellow foliage that provides a striking contrast to other trees, especially in the autumn when the colour is most vivid. The leaves are ovate with serrated edges.


The Bark

The bark is smooth and greyish-brown when young, becoming more furrowed and ridged as the tree matures.


The Habitat

The Golden Elm thrives in temperate climates with moderate to warm temperatures. It is adaptable to a range of climates but prefers areas with distinct seasons. It prefers well-drained soils and can tolerate a variety of soil types.


The Ecology

Provides critical habitat and shelter for various wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. Its dense canopy offers nesting sites and protection. Plays a role in the water cycle by aiding in water infiltration and reducing runoff, which helps manage local water resources and prevent flooding.


The Culture

Historically, various parts of the elm, including the wood, have been used in crafts and construction, valued for its durability and workability.


Fun Facts

Its ability to adapt to different soil types and conditions makes it a popular choice for urban greening projects and city streetscapes.

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