
Lawson Cypress

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, commonly known as Lawson Cypress, is a coniferous tree celebrated for its elegant form and aromatic qualities. The bark of young trees is smooth, reddish-brown, and exudes a subtle resinous fragrance.

The Appearance

A medium to large evergreen conifer with a conical shape and blue-green foliage. It can grow up to 200 feet tall in ideal conditions.


The Produce

The cones are often about 1 to 1.5 centimetres in diameter and have distinctive scales.


The Flowers

Produces small, inconspicuous flowers in spring, followed by round, woody cones.


The Leaves

The leaves are evergreen, exhibiting a vibrant green colour.


The Bark

The bark is reddish-brown and fibrous, becoming more fissured with age.


The Habitat

Prefers well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. Commonly found in gardens, parks, and as windbreaks.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and small mammals. The dense foliage offers excellent cover.


The Culture

Valued for its timber, which is used in construction and furniture making. Also popular in ornamental landscaping for its attractive foliage.


Fun Facts

Lawson Cypress is highly prized for its fine-grained wood and is often used in high-quality joinery and cabinetry.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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