
Rowan ‘sunshine’

Sorbus aucuparia’ ‘Sunshine’, or Rowan ‘Sunshine’, is known for its bright golden-yellow foliage that remains vibrant from spring through fall. It also produces white spring flowers and yellow berries, making it a visually appealing choice for gardens.

The Appearance

A medium-sized deciduous tree with a narrow, upright crown and pinnate leaves that turn orange and red in autumn. It produces clusters of white flowers and yellow berries.


The Produce

These small, round berries form in clusters, creating a visually appealing display against the tree's compound, pinnate leaves.


The Flowers

Produces clusters of white flowers in spring, followed by bright yellow/orange berries in autumn.


The Leaves

The individual leaflets are serrated along the edges, creating a distinctive appearance.


The Bark

The bark is smooth and gray, becoming more fissured with age.


The Habitat

Prefers well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. Commonly found in gardens and parks.


The Ecology

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife, including birds and insects. The berries are eaten by birds.


The Culture

Valued for its ornamental flowers, berries, and autumn foliage. Often planted in gardens and parks.


Fun Facts

Its leaves emerge in spring with bright yellow hues that gradually mature to a lime green as summer progresses.

The Connection To Burton Constable

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