Can I live here?

Is there any precise guidance to how often you can use the holiday home?

This is a holiday park, not a residential park. There are no precise restrictions on the duration or frequency of your stays. You are free to enjoy your holiday home for extended periods and as frequently as you desire, making it a flexible and comfortable retreat whenever you need a break.

What is my “home” compared to my “holiday home”?

You must have a place of primary residence which is your home. You have to treat your primary residence like a home – e.g. it must be in your name, you cannot rent it out and live in your holiday home, and you must pay council tax and utilities.

There is a common sense approach to what is and is not a holiday home – you can use your holiday home within the 50-week season, but if you spend 50 weeks a year there, it is clearly not a holiday home! There are no hard-and-fast rules e.g. returning home once a week or twice a month.

How Long Can A Holiday Be, And How Frequently Can I Have A Holiday?

Holidays and holiday home use are individual. If you are retired, you might well spend more time on holiday than at home. If you work remotely, you might decide to work three days a week from your holiday home and enjoy long weekends at your holiday home. If you prefer to be on holiday for the whole summer, that is also fine.

What does this all boil down to?

The bottom line is this: if you are looking to try and live in a holiday home, we are not the park for you; if you genuinely intend for this to be a holiday home and to continue to use your home, then you are very welcome.

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